Weekend Recap: Books, B-days and Laughs

This weekend I made an effort to get out of the house, something my naturally hermetic self has to really gear up for. This is especially true when I’m going through some things. But, it was two of my beautiful cousin’s birthdays and despite the fact that Netflix was calling me, I ignored the muse stealing heffa and hit the streets.

First I had to take care of some business (cuz I stay grinding) by stopping off at a literary event hosted by my local library. I’m so glad I came through because I met a couple of amazing Memphis based writers and got to plug my baby WTRTCA to a room full of readers. It was awesome and I was only a little nervous. Me + public speaking= I need a sedative!

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The agenda. See that last line down there that says “Remarks from Guest Authors”? That’s me! I’m about to blow up y’all.

My assistant, Sista C.J., was slipping on her post. Not only did she not get a picture of me speaking about my book, but she didn’t pass out my promo cards. I had to do it myself. Gasp! I thought I was the talent, and deserved to be treated as such, but I guess working with family keeps you humble. I would dock her pay, but since I’m not paying her anything…

Doesn’t she just look like an assistant who’s all over her job?

One of the primary speakers was author Lakisha Johnson and she came with it. She’s a successful independent publisher with a faithful fan base here in Memphis. Her topic was “Be Careful Who You Love” and she gave me plenty to think about! For one thing I got to see a pro in action. If you’re an author attending an event to sell books, it’s less about going on and on about your book, and more about leaving an impression on the audience. If they remember you, they’ll remember your book. If you haven’t read any of her books, you might want to check them out. From talking to a few of her fans, I got the impression that they’re very steamy.

Author Lakissha Johnson keeping us on our toes in this love game.

After stumbling through my 60 second remarks on WTRTCA,  Sista C.J. and I met up with some of our cousins for dinner. We gossiped about family, lusted after a few professional athletes and Idris Elba, talked about my sudden case of baby fever (I promise I can hear my biological clock ticking away like a gong) and ate some delicious Mexican food.

Mi familia!

Later, we changed the venue and went to see Tony Tone at Chuckles Comedy House. I’d never heard of him, but he was pretty funny. Forgive me for not having a candid picture of him. I was too busy admiring the way his biceps strained against his shirt while he was holding that mic to take a pic.Talk about guns? Bang, bang baby.

tony tone
What’d I tell you about those guns?

So all in all it was a weekend full of good people, good food, and good times. What more can a girl ask for?

What did you get into this weekend? Do you attend local literary events on the regular? Any tips to help me get more comfortable with public speaking? How about some advice on how to get over baby fever? Talk to me.

12 thoughts on “Weekend Recap: Books, B-days and Laughs

  1. Sounds like a great time, Faith! Umm, I am petrified of public speaking so I am the last person to ask for advice. LOL! MR N and I totally relaxed this weekend and spent a lot of time out on the solarium reading and watching to trains go by. Getting out of the house is excellent and so is supporting local author events. Way to go! I’m so proud of you! 😀


    • Well I guess you and I both need to work on our public speaking fears Mrs. N. I thinks it’s a big part of selling books, so we’ve got to do it. Your weekend sounds like it was perfect. I LOVE lazy relaxing weekends full of reading and watching!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I was going to say it is nice to meet a fellow hermit, but judging by the description of your day, it doesn’t sound like you are really one at all!! I hate public speaking too, but have had to learn to do it. Not the most polished by ANY means, but I can do it, with lots of prep and practice. And I always throw in a little bit of humor, because “they” say that helps people remember you.


    • I love your profile pic C! And despite what it looks like I’m really a hermit by preference. I just happen to come from a family that forces me to go out every once in a while. I’ve got another busy weekend coming up. Hopefully I’ll be performing one of my poems this weekend and I’m spending all week prepping for it. This includes voice recording and having my sister video record me as well….so nervous! But I’ll take your advice and try to throw a little humor into my intro, probably of the self-depreciating sort :/

      Liked by 1 person

  3. LOL@ Sista C.J. I think events like this are great for authors. You better get ready because I’m sure you’ll be doing lots of these in the future. I’ll be attending a couple author events this October and I’m super excited. And I’m glad you got out of the house. I’m also a Netflix binge watcher (do you watch Orange is the New Black???) and have to drag myself off the couch to eat during those marathon sessions. It’s hard out there for a binge-watchin’ pimp, lol. Will definitely look up Lakisha Johnson.


    • Child, Sista C.J. was too busy enjoying herself to do her job…I told her she’s on probation. #GetItTogether

      I’m really making an effort this year to step out of my comfort zone which is why I was up until midnight last night rehearsing a poem I’m supposed to perform at a poetry event this weekend. My nerves are shot, but it must be done! They say public speaking only gets easier if you keep doing it. I hope you make a lot of connections at your events this October. Meeting avid readers and authors is the part I really like!

      Lol @ binge watching pimp! I tried to watch OITNB because so many writers on FB are in love with it, but I couldn’t make it past the first episode. That used tampon in the egg mcmuffin? I am forever traumatized. Why did they have to do me like that? #Wrong


  4. Okay, for some reason I hit return before I finished my comment. Sorry ’bout that. Last weekend, was action-packed with family events for me too. But the highlight was finding a new church home (since we moved back from D.C. the struggle has been tough) and seeing Anjelah Johnson.

    It is SO awesome that you faced your fear and spoke about your awesome book, Faith Simone. It has such an awesome message about finding completeness in Him and I’ve been mentioning it my friends. I was listening to a webinar today and the host explained that we all fear, but we exercise courage when we take steps to move past it. And that’s what you did!

    Last, I wanted to give you a tip I learned from a Ted Talk on Power Posing. I think it’ll help you during public speaking. It’s by Amy Cuddy. Here’s a link to the shorter version in case you are short on time, but the gist is this using power poses helps kill the nerves. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmR2A9TnIso

    Regarding Netflix, A Different World is my current past time and I’m reliving the good ol’ days through the episodes:-).


    • Ha, I thought you were just giving me a random shout out! It’s all good. And yay to finding a new church home. That’s on my list for this year, but honestly I haven’t been looking like I should. Pray for a sista.

      I think the more I speak publicly the better I will get. It’s a matter of practice. I’ll check out those power poses. I think I heard it mentioned on Grey’s Anatomy…something about the super hero pose if I’m recalling correctly.

      I’m currently watching A Different World on Netflix too! It’s my bedtime story ‘cuz it brings back such warm and fuzzy childhood memories. 🙂


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